Unique view
Memory Map displays a big map of all your files. The bigger a file or a folder appears on the screen, the heavier it is on the file system.
Memory Map displays a big map of all your files. The bigger a file or a folder appears on the screen, the heavier it is on the file system.
Of course, all your files can't fit at the same time on a phone screen. See all the tiniest files appear as you move your fingers on the screen!
Looking for a particular file on this big map can be exhausting, that's why you can quickly search for a file, typing a part of its name.
This coloration mode is perfect when you need to see where and how are the different file types distributed on your disk.
That's a very good way to find old and unused files on your file system. Very old files are red, maybe you should consider trashing them!
Use this mode when you need to see clearly being outside in a very bright light.
Your videos, images, musics... All of these can be previewed directly from Memory Map. Don't waste time switching apps!
What best characterizes a folder is its content, that's why Memory Map displays a nice chart for any folder you're analyzing.